Calgary Dream Centre
4510 Macleod Trail SW Calgary AB T2G 0A4 (403) 243-5598
Affordable Housing for Women and Children


According to the 2023 Calgary Housing Needs Assessment, the need for affordable housing for women and women with children has increased from 25% in 2018 to 32% in 2022. 

This significant increase is due to:

  • Rising living costs and unaffordable housing.
  • Conflicts with spouses or partners.
  • Struggles with mental health and substance abuse 

For mothers in recovery who have been separated from their children through the court system, finding affordable sober living housing where they can work towards becoming permanently reunited with their children is a hard barrier to cross. 

“For any women with children who’ve been separated through the court system. There is little hope for the mothers with children to be permanently reunited unless the barriers causing the separation can be addressed”. – Calgary Dream Centre Case Managers


In 2023, the Calgary Dream Centre sought to respond to this need by providing safe, supportive, affordable, and child-friendly housing.


To provide affordable, safe, child-friendly, and supportive housing for women in recovery to achieve stability and personal independence within five years.


  • Create opportunities for Erlton residents to utilize CDC resources through a personalized program to help them reach independence.
  • Restore mother-child relationships separated by the court system
  • Offer mentorship opportunities and education to support both the recovery and parenting journey.
  • Provide mental health care, resources, and support
  • Give career guidance and cost-effective on-site childcare services to give opportunities for residents to work


The Calgary Dream Centre was selected to purchase land in the community of Erlton (located between 28th Ave SE and Macleod Trail) to provide affordable housing for women and children after successfully completing a bidding process through the City of Calgary.

Stay tuned for more information and updates on The Erlton Project to come.

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The Calgary Dream Centre acknowledges with humble gratitude that our organization is located on the traditional territories of the Blackfoot Confederacy (Siksika, Kainai, Piikani), the Tsuut’ina, the Iyarhe Nakoda Nations, the Otipemisiwak Métis Government of the Métis Nation within Alberta District 6, and all people who make their homes in the Treaty 7 region of Southern Alberta.